
Word(s) does seem to be able to objectify something. A two-sided coin. One side – it keeps the feeling a little distant and so dealable, as though an object. The other side, it keeps the feeling a little distant and so not dealt with. To me, it all seems to mean that  you just sometimes have to switch off words in order to feel and if the feeling gets too much, just add a few words.

Published in: on March 3, 2016 at 5:25 pm  Comments (13)  
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13 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. That’s so simply explained, and so very profound. Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Insightful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You have a winning way with words 😉

    It’s easy to admire that in a person.
    What’s even better is the ability to word through…

    Nice to re-meet you. ❤ Life always brings us to our friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I must admit I was sort of hiding (like under the blanket having sufficiently embarrassed myself from not having looked through your blog to get to know you better but instead asking you directly…actually I did look through your other Categories when I first visited your wordpress but back then I think I dismissed astrology being drawn more to the worlds within your poems a bit like a honeybee to nectar; guess it wasnt time for astrology yet for me ..dont know if it is yet. I am still agaga about universes and complexities and mysticism and human beings) after writing to you last. It is very kind of you to write to me the way you did. I guess I am a recovering semantic aphasic and I happen to be attempting to word what is quite densely complex in my conceptual/imaginary brain… so glad that you think I may have a talent! (that actually makes me think about what a talent really is…if talent is really what is all made out to be). Thank you for bridging the gap with your reply. I dont feel so much like a wormling in light of your wide-experienced, accomplished presence. If I may dare say so, I think one of the mark of experience and education is how a person interacts with another at a time when their merits are in limelight. My regard for you goes a notch up. Glad that we met and getting to know you better here 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Please don’t let astrology trip you up. It’s just a system and it’s not “owned” by anyone. It’s quite complex in its own right, and it only has as much meaning as one assigns it. You can come and go on my blog as you so choose. I write about many things. You liked some of my poems?! *blush*

        As far as embarrassment goes, no worries there, either. Once we become public, we are kind of there. Sure we can delete and edit and we are perceived by others. People have perceptions. Our words get to be something we reflect on in unique ways. I don’t really see myself as wide-experienced or accomplished. I often feel intimated and worry about all sorts of things that happen because I am a human. I have sleepless nights over words. But, I keep going, anyways. I know you meant no harm.

        Imagining your notch system amuses me. I picture myself on some sliding-scale with you. Well, I suppose that’s just the reality of connecting and relating and stuff. Good to connect. Keep writing. Enjoy the eclipse energy.



      • You write so endearingly. Your prose/poems (to me they are poetry..words interwoven with magic to have enfolded worlds between them without/without being lyrical) speak of an evolved soul, so to me in some ways the work speaks of the person behind it. This may seem rude even arrogant but a person’s past (accomplishments, experiences, etc.) all come secondary to the content in the present. I am into quality assurance in my 9-hour job so perhaps that influences my thinking, but I tend to sample a person from the present moment (like sampling the quality of a river water by a few drops for the river has droplets coming in from whatsoever sources and flows through to whatsoever fields but to know water I taste a few drops). I may be having a bout of foot-in-the-mouth syndrome or maybe I am just taking the idea of talking dangerously an intensity of its own while working to recover from semantic aphasia but this is where I am in my journey (of becoming a healer, if you can believe it. I am a Body Intelligence practitioner/therapist …you can read a bit about my work on http://www.dynamicstillnesses.com ..and sort of carving my own path so my journey requires me to show up beyond my comfort zone). About my notch system, I tend to have a model-based logical mind along with an Alice-in-wonderland kind intuitive/imaginary mind, so while sifting through concepts I end up creating measurement systems (also am a QA, which tends to contribute I guess). Apologies if I have already grated your nerves through this long reply. Maybe right now I am a bit full with my work and variegated disciplines I study and consequently myself, but I hope in time I will learn to appropriately interact with esteemed personalities such as yourself. Much appreciate your kindness.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Bitha,
        Thank you for sharing about yourself. Per your comment, you have not grated on my nerves. I think we people are like fountains that have different levels of water/intensity of expression and what one has done in the past is just that – the past. Here and each and every day we are born anew. Even still, everything we have done, and every person we have known, touched, been touched by… makes us, forms us, and shapes us. Our experiences are our own. Each person will form their own opinion from the place from where they are an observer, full of filters, built by experiences, and each has its own quality. Enjoy your day!
        With care,

        Liked by 1 person

      • Completely agree. We match in thought about everything you have written on this reply though by action I am yet to mature in conduct. Ego maturity issues (self-diagnosis being yet to firm up on who I am and what I am actually here for). I am en route about it. I have thus far one way or the other been tempered from encounters with persons like you. Got some way to go. Much appreciate your patience and thoughts through this ‘chat.’ Wishing you a happy day ahead.

        Much love,

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for your good wishes! The are appreciated. The biggest reminders for me are always self-kindness and patience. Your sincerity is touching. Yes to Much Love, Ka


      • During my body intelligence therapy sessions with people, I keep requesting them to be gentle, kind and mindful with themselves; that they are like talismans during their journey to better health. I see the wisdom in self-kindness and patience. Thank you for sharing 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Likewise, thank you for sharing 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

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