

(Prelude: I have taken on a 365-day gratitude challenge (that started as a 21-day challenge but somehow found it beneficial enough to take it on for 365 days) that I have been posting on my Facebook page every day. I thought today’s was worth a wordpress.)

I am grateful to my shadow. The literal one sticks around me as long as there is light, so is a reminder that I have problems as long as I am in the wake of a possible, for each problem is seeking a solution that the ‘light’ has! Figuratively, my ‘shadow’ is my network following me around wherever I go (in Landmark Education terms), meaning the influences, patterns, beliefs, limitations, relationships and what not from life lived thus far, and this shadow enfolds within it the light-lessness and ‘forces’ that sabotage my progress, for it seeks that which my progress brings, only it clings onto me so strongly because it does not know any other way than to restrict me for fear of losing the familiar. I am grateful to my shadow, for within its fold is the strength and energy I need to make progress – strength and energy tightly held due to fear and whatsoever that keeps the limits in place for it knows not better, and needs all the light it can get to break free. Shadows (literal and figurative) gets engulfed in darkness. My shadow lets me know where I need light, and I am much grateful for that.


Published in: on December 11, 2015 at 4:42 am  Comments (1)  
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  1. Great analogy 🙂

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